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WESO News Blog

Learn more about what's going on with WESO and WESO members' businesses!

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(Outdated or inappropriate posts will be removed.)

  • May 11, 2018 7:45 AM | Cathie Izor (Administrator)

    745: AM to 6:00 PM

    Ashland Hills Hotel, 2525 Ashland St, Ashland, OR

    Register for a powerful day filled with passionate keynote speakers, breakout sessions, and panel workshops which offer a variety of topics designed to meet all levels of leadership—from those you are currently undertaking, as well as challenges you may face in the near future.

    Thought leaders and co-creators gather together for an entire day to inspire and be inspired, to move and be moved, at our annual Women’s Leadership Conference of Southern Oregon (WLCofSO). Guest keynote speakers and breakout sessions focus on a particular theme, providing engaging content for attendees to share and champion.

    This year, we tackle Leadership in Action. Each keynote speaker and breakout session topic is intended to invoke action. We invite you to consider in a word what motivates you to take action in achieving your goals. What word represents what you want to manifest over the next 12 months? If you don’t yet know, we invite you to attend the conference to discover your word and see what unfolds!

    This event always fills up early so check it out and register now.

  • April 19, 2018 8:00 AM | Cathie Izor (Administrator)

    Are you a Start-Up Company in Southern Oregon? Are you a Manufacturer? Are you a company that depends on technology-savvy employees? Are you someone with some experience and/or opinions and/or questions about how to make Southern Oregon more friendly for Start-Ups, Technology-Dependent Companies, Manufacturers and Technology-Savvy workers?

    Sign up now to attend SOREDI's First LAUNCH & Tech Symposium on April 19 where we will hear from experts about how to bring the assets and expertise together to build an ecosystem where new companies, new products, new talent can thrive.

    Learn how to attract and grow entrepreneurs from the best in national practices at SOREDI's Launch and Tech Symposium.


    Mary Hebert of WAVTEQ: How Your Community Can Attract & Retain Tech Employers and Workers

    Dara Macan of SourceLink: Creating Ecosystem Assets that Connect an Entrepreneurial Community

    Vince Anewenter of the University of Milwaukee, School of Engineering: New Technology Related to Prototyping and its Role in Building Business

    Participate in Round Table Discussions to brainstorm on how to apply those best practices in Southern Oregon. 

    Registration begins at 8:00, program begins at 8:45. Your registration includes coffee, light breakfast, mid-morning break and lunch. 

    $75 for Members & $100 for Non Members
    Buy your tickets today!

    SOREDI LAUNCH and Tech Symposium Info and Registration

  • March 08, 2018 10:50 AM | Cathie Izor (Administrator)
    March is Women's History Month. Let's celebrate the important roles that women have fulfilled in history, especially as entrepreneurs.

    Have you heard of these women entrepreneurs in history?
    • Martha Coston, who invented the Pyrotechnic Night Signal (night flare) to be used for communication among ships at sea at night or during times of low light.
    • Lillian Lincoln Lambert, the first black woman Harvard MBA, and her achievement of the American dream, rising from a poor, rural upbringing in the segregated South to success as a barrier-breaking CEO and entrepreneur.
    • Ruth Handler, a Polish immigrant and co-founder of Mattel Toy Co., who created the Barbie doll and went on to found "Nearly Me" to market prostheses to fellow breast-cancer survivors.
    • Olive Ann Beech (cofounder of Beech Aircraft), and Margaret Rudkin (founder of Pepperidge Farm)--who started their own manufacturing companies in the 1930s, sold them to major corporations in the 1960s and 1970s, and became members of their corporate boards.
    • Rebecca Lukens, a Victorian entrepreneur who took over her deceased husband's iron works and became the only woman iron manufacturer of the era.
    Learn more at
  • March 07, 2018 1:00 PM | Cathie Izor (Administrator)




    MARCH 16, 1-4PM

    ROOM 129


    Come to this informative, 3-hour workshop and learn:

    • What is franchising?

    • The advantages vs disadvantages of a franchise model

    • What are the challenges?

    • Franchise law and rules

    • How do royalties work?

    And more! Get your franchising questions answered!

    Pre-Registration: $50

    At the Door: $75

    Info and Registration

    541-552-8300 | 101 S. Bartlett St., Medford |

  • February 25, 2018 11:27 AM | Jenai May (Administrator)

    - Advertise Your Business at the Expo -

    Tables are filling up fast!
    Sign up NOW

    We Need Your Prizes and Gift Bag Items, too!

    We will be giving away many fun and useful prizes at the Entrepreneur Expo on March 8th. Many vendors have drawings for their products/services. And WESO will be giving away prize baskets over the course of the evening.

    In addition, the first 100 attendees will receive a gift bag of goodies, samples, coupons, treats, and information about our vendors.

    But we need your help to create these prize baskets and gift bags of goodies..

    How Prize Donations Benefit You and Your Business

    If you donate a prize for the event, you'll be a winner, too.

    • Your name and business will be announced at the event on a "Thank You" sign.
    • We'll send a follow-up e-mail to our Members and Friends list announcing our donors (about 400 businesswomen in the Rogue Valley).
    • Your name as a donor will be listed on our web site on our Entrepreneur Expo page for the the rest of this YEAR!
    • And the people who receive your prizes/gifts will be much more likely to patronize your business.

    Prize/Gift Donation Ideas

    Prize Baskets: Obviously, an item, gift certificate or coupon from your business is an excellent choice. Or, you can give a gift certificate for another business and put YOUR business card on it. Also, donations can be large or small. How about a car wash card or coffee shop card?

    Gift Bags: Want to have a big impact with small items? At no extra cost, vendors/exhibitors can donate "goodies," coupons/flyers, or other small items/samples for gift bags that attendees will receive at the door (100 items/coupons are needed for the bags). Easy choices are pens, magnets, post-it notes, candy bags or other small items with your logo or business name on them. Attach your brochure or business card if the items are not preprinted with your business name.

    Can't fit a vendor/exhibitor table into your schedule? For the nominal fee of $20, you can donate items/coupons/flyers for the gift bags, even if you are unable to make it to the event. You'll get business advertising to the first 100 people who come to the event! 

    Questions about prize or gift donations? Contact Danielle Rose at 541-531-4249 or to arrange where to drop it off in Medford. Just make sure you include your business information with your donation. Deadline for prize or gift bag donations is March 2.

    The event is a great way to get new clients/customers and network with other local businesses. To get information or apply to be a vendor, go to Vendor Info and Sign-up.

    Questions about vendor tables that the website doesn't answer? Contact Joyce Crain at

    See you at the Expo!
  • February 15, 2018 5:30 PM | Cathie Izor (Administrator)

    Dr. Robin Miller will share simple steps you can immediately apply to enhance your well-being and happiness — tips for keeping your heart, brain, and gut healthy, and suggestions for using food to improve your mood. She’ll also share tools to spice up your sex life, make exercise fun, and find and maintain your optimal weight.

    Sponsored by the Women's Leadership Conference

    Feb. 15 - 5:30 PM – 7:30PM

    5:30 – 6:00 Networking
    6:00 – 6:45 Program
    6:45 – 7:30 Mixer

    Grants Pass Museum of Art
    229 SW G St., Grants Pass


    (includes appetizers and wine)

    Seating is limited. Cash only walk-ins are welcome as space allows.


  • February 15, 2018 12:00 PM | Cathie Izor (Administrator)

    Presenter: Russ Schweikert

    In this free, one-hour program, from the SOU Small Business Development Center, learn some basic risk management takeaways to consider and manage when opening or growing a small business in Southern Oregon.

    This tailored presentation will help owner/operators become more savvy when establishing policies and procedures for small business operations, will teach some basics of absorbing claims, financial management, and cash flow, and will leave you with questions to increase the likelihood of your success as your company develops.

    With a well-established problem-solving pattern most any surprise can be overcome to your advantage!

    February 15th, 12-1PM

    RCC/SOU Higher Education Ctr


    ROOM 132


  • December 14, 2017 1:45 PM | Cathie Izor (Administrator)

    Stumped for a gift for someone on your list? Check out WESO members to see if they offer the perfect item. Member businesses include purses, organizers, jewelry, food, essential oils, health and wellness products, makeup, flower essences and many more. You can also get a gift certificate from some businesses.

    Plus, many of our members offer discounts to WESO members.

    Check out the choices at WESO Member Directory and discounts at WESO Member Discounts.

  • December 03, 2017 9:45 PM | Deleted user

    Hi, it's a little drive but the best bazaar in the valley is in Wimer, just drive to Rogue River turn left at the very first light,and continue out to the Community Center. Santa will be there on a beautifully decorated stage for pictures with the kiddos. they serve hot soups for  lunch and goodies served, music all day. It is an old fashioned Christmas my FAVORITE bazaar of the year. 

  • November 08, 2017 3:45 PM | Cathie Izor (Administrator)

    How to Start an eCommerce Business

    SPEAKER: Brandon Kirkland, Founder of

    Wizard of Light Bulb Moments & eCommerce

    Wednesday, Nov 8th


    3:45 PM - 4:45 PM

    Doors open at 3:30PM

    ROOM 132 

    RCC/SOU Higher Education Center

    101 S. Bartlett St., Medford

    In this presentation, learn:

    * How eCommerce has shaped business

    * How to start an eCommerce business

    * The Three Principles of a successful eCommerce business



    Phone: 541-552-8300


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