The WESO Heart Program

H - Helping hands
E - Encouragement
A - Advice
R - Resources
T – Training
The WESO HEART Program helps WESO business owners and entrepreneurs with starting, maintaining, and growing their businesses! Our program aims to connect members with other entrepreneurs who have a "Heart to Help."
The program is simple. Here's how it works:
- Members fill out a questionnaire and indicate whether they want to receive help, give help, or both. For example, a member may need advice on growing their social media presence. Or, a member may be familiar with local business resources and willing to guide another member.
- Our HEART program director matches members needing help with members willing to share their knowledge.
- Support is provided to WESO members at no cost. Bearing this in mind, participants need to respect each other's time commitment.
- Confidentiality is an important component of the program and enables participants to freely communicate with each other.
- The HEART program director follows up with members and determines whether further support is needed.
Interested? Fill out the HEART Program questionnaire to get started!
NOTE: This program is only available to WESO members. Not a member yet? Join WESO today!
Want to learn more about how WESO can help you and your business? Check out other WESO benefits.